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Share is the quick and easy way to transfer files Mac-to-Mac.

Why use Share?
Share lets you push files to every other Mac in your local network running Share out of the box, without any extra setup or configuration.

You don’t need to open a file to see what’s inside it. Just press the space bar, or click the Quick Look button, and you will get a preview of the file’s contents. Anyway, the Files Received window also renders a Quick Look preview next to each file’s name.

Double-click a file to open it using the default application, move it to the Trash if you don’t find it interesting, or move it around in the Finder. It’s up to you.

Drag and drop
Drop any file onto Share’s dock icon to Share it. Drag any file from Share’s “Files Received” window to any location on disk to move it.

Supported files
Share supports any kind of file. It will use Quick Look, provided by Mac OS X, to render a preview when available. Oh, and try to drop any website address over Share’s dock icon…